Molokhia Egyptian Spinach Corchorus olitorius dried Leaves and Powder in bulk packaging
Molokhia or Mulukhiya, commonly known as Egyptian Spinach, Mallow, Nalta Jute, or Tossa Jute is an annual herb native to ancient Egypt. It’s leaves are used and prepared as a vegetable and it is a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern, East African, and North African cuisine.
Sometimes referred to as Middle East’s super-green, Molokhia is packed full of vitamins and minerals. It’s rich in fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and selenium, as well as vitamins C, E, K, A, B6, and niacin.
Molokhia has dark green leaves, green and red stems, vibrant yellow flowers, and seedpods that somewhat resemble okra. Plant Molokhia in the Spring and enjoy harvesting it all Summer long. The average height is 2 ft but Molokhia can grow as high as 10 ft in just one growing season. That’s a lot of fresh Molokhia!
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Dehydrated Carrot Daucus carota in bulk packaging
Using dehydrated carrots in your cooking is convenient and easy! dehydrated carrots packed with vitamin A, carrots add color and sweetness to many dishes. You can add dehydrated carrots to stews and soups. They also work great for stir-frying with other vegetables. You can substitute dehydrated carrots for fresh vegetables in just about any dish, including casseroles, loafs, pizza toppings, omelets and breads.
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Dehydrated Bell Sweet Pepper Paprika Capsicum annuum in bulk packaging
Peppers have a sweet, mild flavor and are available in green, red, yellow and dark yellow. Peppers color up as they ripen on the vine and follow the mature green stage. The brighter colored peppers tend to be sweeter than green peppers because the sugar content increases as the pepper matures.
Peppers are high in vitamin C and excellent sources of dietary fiber and provide small amounts of several other vitamins and minerals. Sweet peppers have thick flesh, are crunchy and juicy, and often eaten raw, sautéed, roasted or stuffed.
Here’s a tip: Look at the bottom of the pepper and count the lobes. If it has four lobes it’s a female pepper, which produces more seeds and is sweeter than a male pepper, making it a good choice for crudités or chopping into salads. Male bell peppers have three lobes and are a good choice for roasting and making stuffed peppersThe terms bell pepper (US, Canada, Philippines), pepper or sweet pepper (UK, Ireland), and capsicum (Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) are often used for any of the large bell-shaped peppers, regardless of their color. The fruit is simply referred to as a “pepper”, or additionally by color (“green pepper” or red, yellow, orange, purple, brown, black).[6] In the Midland region of the U.S., bell peppers when stuffed and pickled are sometimes called mangoes.
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Dehydrated Chilli Pepper in bulk packaging
Peppers are commonly broken down into three groupings: bell peppers, sweet peppers, and hot peppers. Most popular pepper varieties are seen as falling into one of these categories or as a cross between them.
Cultivars grown in North America and Europe are believed to all derive from Capsicum annuum, and have white, yellow, red or purple to black fruits. In 2016, the world’s production of raw green chili peppers amounted to 34.5 million tons, with China producing half.
Capsicum fruits have been a part of human diets since about 7,500 BC, and are one of the oldest cultivated crops in the Americas,[7] as origins of cultivating chili peppers are traced to east-central Mexico some 6,000 years ago.They were one of the first self-pollinating crops cultivated in Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America.
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Spinach Spinacia oleracea dried Leaves and Powder in bulk packaging
Spinach is an incredible source of vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants, and many other essential nutrients. To top it all off, dehydrated spinach flakes are delicious and taste great in just about any recipe.
Dried spinach has a mild and bright flavor that stands alone, but also complements a variety of other foods. If you are cooking for picky eaters, the flavor is easy to disguise. For example, putting a handful of dried spinach in a fruit smoothie provides extra nutrition without disrupting the fruity sweetness. It also tastes great with eggs – bakes, scrambles, omelets, or any way you prefer. Adding dried spinach flakes to soups, sandwiches, salads, spreads, casseroles, and pasta sauces is simple and tasty. For all of the bakers out there, try incorporating spinach in breads, muffins, or even cakes to create a healthier treat that tastes great.
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Spearmint Mentha spicata dried Leaves in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Common name: Spearmint
Latin name: Mentha spicata Huds.
Family: Lamiaceae
Other names:
Engl.: spearmint, garden mint, menthol mint, silver mint. Deu.: Grüne Minze, Ähren-Minze, Bocksbalsam, Katzenkraut, Wilde Pfefferminze. Suom.: viherminttu. Sven.: grönmynta, spetsmynta, spirmynta. Fran.: menthe verte, baume vert, menthe romaine. Span.: menta romana, yerbabuena. Pharm.: herba menthae acutae. Bot. syn.: Mentha aquatica L. var. crispa (L.) Benth., Mentha cordifolia Opiz es Fresen., Mentha crispa L., Mentha viridis (L.) L..
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Peppermint Mentha Piperita dried Leaves in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Common name: Peppermint
Latin name: Mentha x piperita L.,
Family: Lamiaceae
Other names: Engl.: peppermint, black peppermint, chocolate mint. Deu.: Pfefferminze. Suom.: piparminttu. Sven.: pepparmynta. Fran.: menthe poivrée. Bot. syn.: Mentha aquatica L. x spicata L., Mentha dumetorum Schultes.
Peppermint is a sterile hybrid derived from a cross between Mentha aquatica and M. spicata.
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Lemongrass Cymbopogon dried herb in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Lemongrass is a plant. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine. Lemongrass is commonly taken orally, applied directly to the skin, or inhaled as aromatherapy for many different conditions. But there is limited scientific research to support any of its common uses.
In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring. For example, lemongrass leaves are commonly used as “lemon” flavoring in herbal teas. In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in deodorants, soaps, and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral.
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Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Fennel
Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare Miller.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: fennel, bitter fennel, common fennel, garden fennel, wild fennel. Deu.: Fenchel, Gewürzfenchel. Suom.: maustevenkoli, salaattifenkoli, saksankumina, venkoli. Sven.: fänkål, besk fänkål, bitter fänkål, kryddfänkål, tysk fänkål, vanlig fänkål. Fran.: fenouil. Bot. syn.: Anethum foeniculum L., Foeniculum capillaceum Gilib., Foeniculum dulce Mill., Foeniculum foeniculum (L.) Karst., Foeniculum officinale All., Foeniculum panmoricum DC., Foeniculum piperitum (Ucria) C. Presl., Foeniculum vulgare Gaertn., Meum foeniculum Spreng.
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Cumin Seeds Cuminum cyminum in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Latin name: Cuminum cyminum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other Names: Engl.: cumin, green cumin, jeera, white cumin. Deu.: Kreuzkümmel, Mutterkümmel, Römischer Kümmel, Weisser Kreuzkümmel. Suom.: roomankumina, juustokumina, maitokumina. Sven.: spiskummin, romersk kummin, vit kummin. Fran.: cumin. Span.: comino. Bot. syn.: Cuminum odorum Salisb Cumin, Cuminum cyminum L., also known as Cuminum odorum Salisb
Cuminum cyminum L. is a slender, rather pretty annual growing to a height of 1 ft. or less and bearing very finely divided leaves. The aromatic, dried ripe fruits (seeds) are of elongated, oval shape, about 5 to 6 mm long, and light brown in color.
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Coriander Coriandrum sativum seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Coriander.
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arab: kuzbara, kuzbura; Armenian:chamem; Chinese: yuan sui, hu sui; Czech: koriandr; Danish: koriander; Dutch: koriander; English: coriander, collender, chinese parsley; Ethiopian: (Amharic) dembilal; French: coriandre, persil arabe; Georgian (Caucasus): kinza, kindza, kindz; German: Koriander, Wanzendill, Schwindelkorn; Greek: koriannon, korion; Hindi: dhania, dhanya; Hungarian: coriander; Italian: coriandolo; Japanese: koendoro; Malay: ketumbar; Persian: geshnes; Polish: kolendra; Portugese: coentro; Rumanian: coriándru; Russian: koriandr, koljandra, kišnec, kinza, vonjučee zel’e, klopovnik; Sanskrit: dhanayaka, kusthumbari; Serbokroatian: korijander; Spanish: coriandro, cilantro, cilandrio, culantro; Swiss: Chrapfechِörnli, Böِbberli, Rügelikümmi; Turkish: kişniş
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Dill Seeds Anethum graveolens in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Coriander.
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arab: kuzbara, kuzbura; Armenian:chamem; Chinese: yuan sui, hu sui; Czech: koriandr; Danish: koriander; Dutch: koriander; English: coriander, collender, chinese parsley; Ethiopian: (Amharic) dembilal; French: coriandre, persil arabe; Georgian (Caucasus): kinza, kindza, kindz; German: Koriander, Wanzendill, Schwindelkorn; Greek: koriannon, korion; Hindi: dhania, dhanya; Hungarian: coriander; Italian: coriandolo; Japanese: koendoro; Malay: ketumbar; Persian: geshnes; Polish: kolendra; Portugese: coentro; Rumanian: coriándru; Russian: koriandr, koljandra, kišnec, kinza, vonjučee zel’e, klopovnik; Sanskrit: dhanayaka, kusthumbari; Serbokroatian: korijander; Spanish: coriandro, cilantro, cilandrio, culantro; Swiss: Chrapfechِörnli, Böِbberli, Rügelikümmi; Turkish: kişniş
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