- Agriculture
- Food & Beverage
- Natural Herbal Products
- Health & Beauty
- Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals
- Antibiotics & Antimicrobial
- Anti-inflammatories
- Eye & Ear Products
- GIT & Alimetary Disorders
- Heart & Vascular Diseases
- Immunity strengthers
- Multi-Vitamins & Tonics
- Musculo Skeletal Diseases
- Nervous System Disorders
- Orodental Diseases
- Sexual Enhancers
- Skin Diseases
- Urogenital Diseases
- Woman Healthcare
- Cosmetics
- Medical Devices & Disposables
- Food Supplements
- Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals
- Construction
- Apparel and Clothing
- Furniture
- Home Appliances
- Gifts & Handcrafts
- Raw Materials & B2B
- Minerals & Metallurgy
- Home Accessories
- Other Categories

Welcome to Exportica.net
We are multinational group of companies operated in 11 countries and 9 companies to provide its customers the best quality products perfect for export. Every day, we serve tens of importers all around the world. we guarantee the best quality and prices for all what we offer here
Who are we?
We are a worldwide business. We are group of 9 companies with operations in 11 global locations, we can promptly respond to customer requests throughout the world. Our products are renowned for their high quality performance, and we can supply regulatory information and certifications that meet the requirements of worldwide regulatory import agencies. Our experience in export and international business is more than 22 years
Our Mission is to grow a worldwide lodging and stable markets for our products using TQM principles and the most recent techniques continuously improving the quality of life for our customers. Our continuous innovative solutions and products keep our customers satisfied and get them focus on their business core of marketing.
Products for Export
Impoters served
Product fields and categories
Discover Our Journey

May 1999
Establish Falcon Export & Import to export Essential oils, raw materials and handmade products

January 2002
Launching our marketplace www.aromarket.com to be the first of its type in the middle east

December 2004
Applying customized ERP Adora managerial system developed by our company to make managerial activities in all operations of the company

May 2005
Getting ISO Certificate for Falcon

September 2005
Award and certification from Industrial Modernization center for Export efforts the company did

July 2006
Establish OCTA Corporation in Delaware in USA

September 2006
Get lenience to import Pharmaceutical APIs to be one of just 16 companies in Egypt

September 2006
Get Exclusive agency from Cipla Pharmaceuticals

April 2007
Partner with Pharco Pharmaceutical, SEKEM and Beovita to Estabish share holding German Company in German BEOVITA GmBH

May 2008
Establish share holding Company OCTA Group in Egypt with 50 M allowed Capital

May 2008
Establishing Biowish Middle East Company to care of biotechnology products in Egypt

May 2009
Establishing BNA Company in USA to care of biotechnology products in USA

Decmber 2013
Starting Our company for IT and developing integrated systems

January 2014
Starting Development phase of Realestate marketing system akaratmisr.com

January 2015
Finishing the system of ABC to handle and manage imports and warehouses for Asian companies who working in Egypt

January 2016
Establish Tree Corporation in USA to haandle IT activities and Exports from USA

May 2016
Start Production phase of Biotechnology Probiotics products in USA

January 2017
Launching more products from BNA in Biotechnology field

January 2018
Finish system to manage all process of shipping and make it easier

January 2020
Finish development phase of akaratmisr system

December 2020
Launching exportica.net
Customer satisfaction
We providing total customer satisfaction is not just a phrase, it describes what we do best. Not only do our trained sales and technical service staffs focus their efforts on addressing and resolving customer needs, our manufacturing personnel often work directly with customers on product and process improvement programs. Our people also routinely provide technical assistance on any questions, optimizing the selection and processing of products
We also use formal customer satisfaction measurement programs that provide routine opportunities for our customers to tell us what they like or, more importantly, what they don’t like about dealing with us..

Our Slogan
Life Better, For everyone using our products, He will feel the taste of quality of life
Business easier, For our business partners, we do everything to make their business much easier.
We work hard to maintain fair relationships with all our suppliers and customers. Good and long-term partnerships are the cornerstones to total quality management. We actively express our views and ideas to allow our partners to identify with the way we do business.

Our employees:
We believe that the investment in the human resources is one of the most important factors that guarantee the business success; therefore we do select high calibers employees and moreover we do care of providing them with all necessary training courses to qualify them to lead the business units, manage and perform work tasks professionally.

Our Suppliers:
We work hard to maintain fair relationships with all our suppliers and customers. Good and long-term partnerships are the cornerstones to total quality management. We actively express our views and ideas to allow our partners to identify with the way we do business.
To be our supplier of choice for one or two items, we have to discuss every details and co-operate together to get success. Quality is not a matter of question. Quality certificates is a must. OEM should be allowed

Our customers:
Anyone doing business with our operation countries will need our products or services. Investors who are interested to establish business or search for business opportunities in these countries might explore the Business opportunity section.
With buying directly from all EXPORTICA’s manufacturing business partners and selling directly to our customers, this direct approach eliminates the intermediate broker, allowing EXPORTICA to offer highly competitive prices and flexible financing on its broad product line.