• Flaxseed Linseed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs

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    Flax seeds are known for their many health benefits, which include providing a hearty dose of protein and fiber, reducing appetite and aiding in weight control. Given their stellar nutrient profile, it’s no wonder that flaxseed oil is also jam-packed with similar health benefits.
    Flaxseed oil, also known as flax oil or linseed oil, is made from flax seeds that have been ground and pressed to release their natural oil. This health-promoting oil has a wide variety of uses, ranging from cooking to skin care.

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  • Garden Cress Seed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Pack

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    Garden cress oil is obtained from (Lepidium sativum L) seeds, by the process of cold pressing. The total oil content of garden cress seeds is about 15 to 20% depending on the seeds. Garden cress oil has a typical smell like that of mustard oil and tastes a little similar, but lighter. Garden cress seed oil is rich in Alpha-linolenic acid(omega-3) , Antioxidants (Tocopherols, Phenolics) and Phytosterols. In traditional cultures it received much attention both as a medicinal herb and as a food ingredient. The leaves, stems, and seeds where used. This plant has a high nutritional value. The United Nation Organization’s. FAO has classified Cress is one of the underutilized or neglected crop among age old crops. If these neglected crops not paid attention, they may be extinct in the near future.

    All of us at school had a science project of planting seeds on a wet piece of cotton and watching the plant grow, as it is very fast in sprouting and producing leaves. The leaves are rich in vitamin C and folic acid, and are frequently added to salads or eaten with bread and butter. They have a peppery taste which is characteristic.

    Traditional uses of the oil include, for stomach, digestive and respiratory system, immunity, and for the knees. The oil can be added to salads or mixed with other oils.

    It is also used in hair care for hair growth

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  • Garlic Infused Oil Garlic bulb or oil infused in Carrier Oil)

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    Garlic infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Garlic bulb or mixed with Garlic essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Garlic bulb and is suitable for direct use for consumer

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  • Garliol Lower Cholesterol & Higher Immunity 

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    Garliol is a concentrated formula of highly purified Garlic oil, in the form of enteric-coated capsules. Garlic maintains normal cholesterol levels and supports cardiovascular health. It has antioxidant properties and inactivates the cell-damaging free radicals. Garlic is an effective antimicrobial plant, acting on bacteria, viruses and alimentary parasites.

    Garlic reduces platelet aggregation and hyperlipidemia, which helps prevent heart disease including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Garlic helps prevent some complications of diabetes mellitus.

    • Garlic has been used as both food and medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, dating as far back as the time that the Egyptian pyramids were built. It was of great medicinal importance in nearby Egypt. It has been found in the tombs of the ancient Pharaohs dating back to 3,200 B.C. Its use by the pyramid builders, who believed garlic gave them strength, is inscribed on the Great Pyramid of Cheops. The only slave revolt in Egypt was by laborers over a lack of garlic one year when the Nile flooded the garlic fields. In the Egyptian “Ebers Codex”, written in 1550 B.C., there were 22 different medical formulations that included garlic.
    • Garlic was also praised by the Greeks. It is now grown and used throughout the world.
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  • Geranium Concentrate to make herbal Geranium drinking water (Geranium Infused Water Concentrate)

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    Geranium infused water concentrate to add few drops for drinking water to benefit from all amazing effects of Geranium useful ingredients. One bottle should be enough for one month use of one person

    If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to soda or sugary drinks, This product is an excellent solution. Herbal water is a simple and refreshing that offers significant health benefits. It contains no sugar, no caffeine, and very few calories..

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  • Ginsomax Life needs Energy. Energy needs Ginseng

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    Ginsomax helps you earn your maximal performance in life. Ginsomax relieves physical and mental stress, enhances immunity and maintains a healthy body. Ginsomax is a general tonic which improves almost every possible ailment from anxiety to more complicated disorders.

    • Ginseng (known as “The Root of Life”) is a general tonic and energizing herb that enhances the overall physical and mental performance by improving both cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. It helps the body to adapt to physical and mental stress. It improves the sexual functions by improving blood circulation and so overcoming erectile dysfunction. It enhances the sexual desire and endurance, and ensures mutual satisfaction during intercourse.
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  • Grapes Autumn Royal Seedless variety

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    Autumn Royal is a late-season black grape. It has large, elongated purple-black berries with a crunchy skin, firm texture and a pleasant level of sweetness. It is generally seedless with attractive, translucent yellow-green flesh.

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    Grapes Autumn Royal Seedless variety

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  • Grapes Crimson Red Seedless variety

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    Crimson is a slightly elongated light-red seedless grape with good levels of sweetness and an attractive appearance. The skin colour varies from pink to dark pink-red, often with a pale green stem-end.  The flesh is greenish-white and has a medium level of crispness, often with a satisfying crack. On biting, there is slight resistance from the peel, which is a little chewy, but not bitter. Flavour is limited.

    Crimson is a late-season grape and popular with supermarkets due to its excellent storage capability which allows for a long sales period from any one region. For many years, Crimson has been the mainstay of the late season supply of red seedless grapes, though newer varieties are starting to erode that dominance.

    For consumers, Crimson grapes are a reliably sweet choice with a good crisp texture.

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    Grapes Crimson Red Seedless variety

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  • Grapes Flame Red Seedless Vine variety

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    Flame Seedless Red Table Grape produces crisp, sweet, light red, seedless grapes on loose clusters that are not affected by bunch rot. Flavor is excellent fresh or dried into raisins. Produces best in hot summers. Red Flame is a very popular bunch grape variety that is well known for its crisp flavor. This red seedless variety produces elongated, loose and medium sized clusters. The color is a dark red that is beautiful hanging on the vine. Red Flame prefers plenty of heat during ripening period. This red grape is the one most often found in grocery stores.

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    Grapes Flame Red Seedless Vine variety

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  • Grapes Red Globe Seeded variety

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    Red Globe is a red seeded grape.  The berries are large and round and vary from light pink to dark red in colur.  The eating experience is one of meaty, plump, crunchy fruit with good juice content.  There is a good level of sweetness with relatively low acids, but flavour is muted.  True, there are some pips in each berry, but there is an art to enjoying these sweet bombs without splitting the seed husk with your teeth.

    Red Globe is most popular grapes in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as many consumers in Western Europe have turned their back on grapes with pips.  In China, a strong pink colouration is particularly prized.

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    Grapes Red Globe Seeded variety

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  • Grapes SugraOne White Seedless variety

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    Sugraone is a seedless green grape with medium size oval berries. The colour is generally a pale yellow-green, but can vary from green through to straw-coloured depending on maturity. The skin is thin and there is very little resistance to the bite, though it can sometimes be slightly chewy, but not bitter. The flesh is crisp and usually very sweet with low acids and a slight Muscat flavour.

    Sugraone is an early season variety and one of the dominant seedless green grapes around the world. It has been the mainstay of the industry for many years, though change is coming in the form of new, improved varieties.

    Sugraone will be attractive to consumers as a reliably sweet, crisp, green seedless grape, usually sold at good valuations. Sweet, crisp, juicy.


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    Grapes SugraOne White Seedless variety

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    GRO-2-MAX Primary Benefits:

    • Rapidly establishes beneficial gastrointestinal microflora
    • Helps to inhibit growth of enteric pathogens
    • Improves overall weight gain and growth performance
    • Improves FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio)
    • Helps decrease mortalities
    • Improves absorption of nutrients
    • Most stable probiotic formula
    • Enhances size and quality of eggs
    • No side effects, no withdrawal
    • Environmentally safe
    • Increases overall cost savings and farm efficiency

    3.5 oz. packet of Gro-2-Max powder formula
    Mixes with 28 gallons of drinking water or 440 lbs. of feed.

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