Grapes Autumn Royal Seedless variety
Autumn Royal is a late-season black grape. It has large, elongated purple-black berries with a crunchy skin, firm texture and a pleasant level of sweetness. It is generally seedless with attractive, translucent yellow-green flesh.
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Grapes Red Globe Seeded variety
Red Globe is a red seeded grape. The berries are large and round and vary from light pink to dark red in colur. The eating experience is one of meaty, plump, crunchy fruit with good juice content. There is a good level of sweetness with relatively low acids, but flavour is muted. True, there are some pips in each berry, but there is an art to enjoying these sweet bombs without splitting the seed husk with your teeth.
Red Globe is most popular grapes in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as many consumers in Western Europe have turned their back on grapes with pips. In China, a strong pink colouration is particularly prized.
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Grapes Crimson Red Seedless variety
Crimson is a slightly elongated light-red seedless grape with good levels of sweetness and an attractive appearance. The skin colour varies from pink to dark pink-red, often with a pale green stem-end. The flesh is greenish-white and has a medium level of crispness, often with a satisfying crack. On biting, there is slight resistance from the peel, which is a little chewy, but not bitter. Flavour is limited.
Crimson is a late-season grape and popular with supermarkets due to its excellent storage capability which allows for a long sales period from any one region. For many years, Crimson has been the mainstay of the late season supply of red seedless grapes, though newer varieties are starting to erode that dominance.
For consumers, Crimson grapes are a reliably sweet choice with a good crisp texture.
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Grapes Flame Red Seedless Vine variety
Flame Seedless Red Table Grape produces crisp, sweet, light red, seedless grapes on loose clusters that are not affected by bunch rot. Flavor is excellent fresh or dried into raisins. Produces best in hot summers. Red Flame is a very popular bunch grape variety that is well known for its crisp flavor. This red seedless variety produces elongated, loose and medium sized clusters. The color is a dark red that is beautiful hanging on the vine. Red Flame prefers plenty of heat during ripening period. This red grape is the one most often found in grocery stores.
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Grapes SugraOne White Seedless variety
Sugraone is a seedless green grape with medium size oval berries. The colour is generally a pale yellow-green, but can vary from green through to straw-coloured depending on maturity. The skin is thin and there is very little resistance to the bite, though it can sometimes be slightly chewy, but not bitter. The flesh is crisp and usually very sweet with low acids and a slight Muscat flavour.
Sugraone is an early season variety and one of the dominant seedless green grapes around the world. It has been the mainstay of the industry for many years, though change is coming in the form of new, improved varieties.
Sugraone will be attractive to consumers as a reliably sweet, crisp, green seedless grape, usually sold at good valuations. Sweet, crisp, juicy.
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Egyptian Valencia Orange
Oranges are the largest citrus crop in the world. The most-popular variety today is the Valencia, a medium to large fruit with a smooth, finely-textured rind which is thin-skinned and harder to peel. Firm and heavy for their size, they are picked when fully ripe. The bright orange fruit has virtually no seeds. These Valencia Oranges have excellent color and quality and are bursting with sweet, fresh-from-the-tree flavor – perfect for juicing. This orange is excellent not only for its juice, but for eating fresh out of hand as well. this variety of oranges are a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and folate. They also contain antioxidants that help boost immunity.
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St. John’s Wort Natural Antidepressant & Mood Elevator
St. John’s Wort is a natural herbal product that effectively elevates the mood and relieves mild to moderate depression. St. John’s Wort is also a good help for many other disturbances such as anxiety and insomnia. St. John’s Wort enhances memory and mental activity. St. John’s Wort has a great advantage of NOT causing physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms following short or long term use.
- John‘s Wort capsules consist of Hypericum perforatum dry extract in which the active constituents are hypericin, pseudohypericin and hyperforin. It exerts its antidepressant effect by reducing the release of interleukin-6 and inhibiting synaptosomal reuptake of major neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline and GABA.
- John’s Wort regulates the density of b-adrenergic and serotonergic receptors in cerebral tissue. It also restores normal levels of central neurotransmitters and CNS receptor activity.
- Following oral administration of John’s Wort capsules, the active constituents of Hypericum perforatum dry extract are readily absorbed from the GIT. Peak plasma concentrations are achieved within 4 – 5 hours. Steady plasma concentrations are reached after 4 days of the regular daily use.
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Royal Jelly Youth & Vitality
Royal jelly is a valuable biological secretion from the honey bees. Royal jelly sustains youthfulness and promotes skin’s beauty and vitality. Royal Jelly increases body energy, combats stress, alleviates anxiety, sleeplessness, moodiness, memory loss, and boosts the immune system. This is due to its high content of many bioactive substances that promote healthy tissue regeneration, and fight harmful microorganisms.
- Royal Jelly has been traditionally used through the centuries to improve skin tone, to bolster the immune system, and to increase energy levels. It has a rich historical tradition that began with the ancient Egyptians, who used this milky substance to maintain youthful vigor and clear skin.
- Ancient Greeks also used it in one of their most famous elixirs: “Ancient Greeks spoke of ambrosia, which bestowed immortality upon the gods in Olympus. Ambrosia was partly composed of the famous Royal Jelly. In reality, man has consumed it at will for centuries. In the past, they used to crush the wax queen cell containing Royal Jelly, pollen, and propolis, consuming this very rich cocktail in its perfectly fresh condition. This is one reason for its remarkable effectiveness.”
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Prostect Keep your Prostate Healthy
Prostect is a natural formula that supports healthy prostate functions, maintains your bladder healthy for a normal urine flow. Prostect provides a relief & protection from many prostate-related complaints that are experienced by the majority of men over 40 years of age such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia by significantly decreasing the prostate size and overcoming the associated painful symptoms. Maintain your sexual efficiency by keeping your prostate healthy to avoid erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
- Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant vitamin that helps to neutralize potentially damaging free radicals in our body. It exists in eight different forms, d-alpha-tocopherol being the most active form and one of the most powerful biologically active antioxidants. Vitamin E plays a very important function in lending red blood cells (RBC) flexibility as they make their way through the arterial network. Vitamin E has a number of health benefits for the body. It is particularly important for the protection of our cell membranes as well as keeping your skin, heart and circulation, nerves, muscles and red blood cells healthy.
- Zinc concentration in the prostate gland is much higher than in other tissues in the human body. In fact, it is estimated that the prostate gland uses ten times more zinc than any other organ. Adequate zinc levels help to prevent enlargement of the prostate gland. Zinc not only prevents prostate enlargement; studies report it also helps to shrink a gland that is already swollen.
- Vitamin B6 influences zinc absorption. It helps to convert zinc to a form that is more absorbable by the prostate tissues.
- Stinging Nettle Root is beneficial in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is reported to inhibit sex hormone binding globulin which has an effect on the androgenic receptors of the prostatic cytosol and inhibits the effects of estrogen.
- Selenium provides significant protection against prostate disorders.
- Pumpkin Seed Oil supports prostate health and vitality.
- Saw palmetto is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols, and has shown promise in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- Pygeum africanum contains several prostate supportive components which have anti-edema and decongesting properties. Pygeum improves prostate functionality through a hormonal-like mechanism and reduces the inflammation often connected with BPH.
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Prolong 4 Men Stay on the Peak & Enjoy!
Königin improves vitality and physical abilities, enhances mood, sexual performance and reproductive functions, besides its main effect in relieving PMS (Pre-Menstrual Symptoms and Post-Menopausal Syndrome). Königin maintains skin softness and integrity and delays aging. Königin will help you discover your desire, pleasure and vitality.
- Royal Jelly is composed of a wide variety of different nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help improve physical, mental and sexual performance, and promote a general feeling of well-being.
- Ginseng (known as “The Root of Life”) is a general tonic and energizing herb that enhances the overall physical performance as well as the sexual functions. It improves body vitality, enhances the sexual desire and ensures mutual satisfaction during intercourse.
- Wheat Germ Oil is used as an exercise and physical performance enhancing agent. It contains Octacosanol that enhances endurance, reaction time and exercise capacity. Being a natural source of Vitamin E, it exerts antioxidant activity that guards the body cells against the damaging effect of free radicals.
- Evening Primrose has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. The oil is a natural source of Linoleic Acid (LA) and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). LA is an essential fatty acid and GLA is a specialized omega-6 fatty acid.
Evening Primrose Oil helps the body to regulate the hormone-like compounds associated with premenstrual conditions. So it supports hormonal balance which promotes a healthy and balanced mood. It supports normal fluid balance during the monthly cycle and relieves PMS (Pre-Menstrual Symptoms and Post-Menopausal Syndrome). It helps regulate fat metabolism, inflammatory response, as well as cardiovascular, immune and central nervous systems. It also maintains normal blood pressure, sustains healthy skin and supports joints.
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Königin The Essence of Beauty & Health
Königin improves vitality and physical abilities, enhances mood, sexual performance and reproductive functions, besides its main effect in relieving PMS (Pre-Menstrual Symptoms and Post-Menopausal Syndrome). Königin maintains skin softness and integrity and delays aging. Königin will help you discover your desire, pleasure and vitality.
- Royal Jelly is composed of a wide variety of different nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help improve physical, mental and sexual performance, and promote a general feeling of well-being.
- Ginseng (known as “The Root of Life”) is a general tonic and energizing herb that enhances the overall physical performance as well as the sexual functions. It improves body vitality, enhances the sexual desire and ensures mutual satisfaction during intercourse.
- Wheat Germ Oil is used as an exercise and physical performance enhancing agent. It contains Octacosanol that enhances endurance, reaction time and exercise capacity. Being a natural source of Vitamin E, it exerts antioxidant activity that guards the body cells against the damaging effect of free radicals.
- Evening Primrose has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. The oil is a natural source of Linoleic Acid (LA) and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). LA is an essential fatty acid and GLA is a specialized omega-6 fatty acid.
Evening Primrose Oil helps the body to regulate the hormone-like compounds associated with premenstrual conditions. So it supports hormonal balance which promotes a healthy and balanced mood. It supports normal fluid balance during the monthly cycle and relieves PMS (Pre-Menstrual Symptoms and Post-Menopausal Syndrome). It helps regulate fat metabolism, inflammatory response, as well as cardiovascular, immune and central nervous systems. It also maintains normal blood pressure, sustains healthy skin and supports joints.
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