    Sold By: exportica

    GRO-2-MAX Primary Benefits:

    • Rapidly establishes beneficial gastrointestinal microflora
    • Helps to inhibit growth of enteric pathogens
    • Improves overall weight gain and growth performance
    • Improves FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio)
    • Helps decrease mortalities
    • Improves absorption of nutrients
    • Most stable probiotic formula
    • Enhances size and quality of eggs
    • No side effects, no withdrawal
    • Environmentally safe
    • Increases overall cost savings and farm efficiency

    3.5 oz. packet of Gro-2-Max powder formula
    Mixes with 28 gallons of drinking water or 440 lbs. of feed.

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  • Dried Banana Musa acuminata Powder and Chips in Bulk

    Sold By: exportica

    Dried bananas are very tasty and wonderful because the ever-present tastes of fresh bananas are concentrated in the dried bananas and increased.
    Dried bananas are a true extract of minerals.

    Being rich in potassium is actually a great chance for athletes. And its abundant fiber is very useful for the small intestine work. Dried bananas are certainly high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in dried bananas come in two forms: simple carbohydrates (especially fructose) and complex carbohydrates (amidones). Dried bananas are a great evening treat for kids. It provides the energy they need, not the fat, unlike a chocolate bread which is full of fat and poor in minerals.

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  • Dried Zucchini Courgette field pumpkin Cucurbita pepo in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Zucchini, also known as courgette, is a summer squash in the Cucurbitaceae plant family, alongside melons, spaghetti squash, and cucumbers.. Zucchini is rich in vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. It may offer several health benefits, ranging from improved digestion to a lower risk of heart disease. Zucchini may aid your bones, thyroid, and prostate.

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  • Sun dried Tomato Solanum lycopersicum in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Tomatoes are juicy and sweet, full of antioxidants, and may help fight several diseases. They are especially high in lycopene, a plant compound linked to improved heart health, cancer prevention, and protection against sunburns. Tomatoes can be a valuable part of a healthy diet. Despite botanically being a fruit, it’s generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable.

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  • Pea Pisum sativum dried in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Green peas are a popular vegetable. They are also quite nutritious and contain a fair amount of fiber and antioxidants. Additionally, research shows they may help protect against some chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. Green peas are seeds that come from a legume plant, but they are most often consumed as a starchy vegetable.

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  • Okra Abelmoschus esculentus dried in bulk packaging

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    Okra is known by different names in many parts of the world – ladies’ fingers in England, gumbo in the United States, guino-gombo in Spain, guibeiro in Portugal, and bhindi in India.

    Okra has high nutrition content and is an economic crop grown in tropical and subtropical areas. This perennial vegetable is resistant to extreme heat and drought conditions but susceptible to frosts, which can damage the pods. It is a popular vegetable consumed all around the world. The various plant parts of this tropical vegetable, namely, the fresh leaves, flowers, stems, buds, pods, and seeds, have an array of uses.

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  • Spinach Spinacia oleracea dried Leaves and Powder in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Spinach is an incredible source of vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants, and many other essential nutrients. To top it all off, dehydrated spinach flakes are delicious and taste great in just about any recipe.

    Dried spinach has a mild and bright flavor that stands alone, but also complements a variety of other foods. If you are cooking for picky eaters, the flavor is easy to disguise. For example, putting a handful of dried spinach in a fruit smoothie provides extra nutrition without disrupting the fruity sweetness. It also tastes great with eggs – bakes, scrambles, omelets, or any way you prefer. Adding dried spinach flakes to soups, sandwiches, salads, spreads, casseroles, and pasta sauces is simple and tasty. For all of the bakers out there, try incorporating spinach in breads, muffins, or even cakes to create a healthier treat that tastes great.

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  • Dehydrated Chilli Pepper in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Peppers are commonly broken down into three groupings: bell peppers, sweet peppers, and hot peppers. Most popular pepper varieties are seen as falling into one of these categories or as a cross between them.

    Cultivars grown in North America and Europe are believed to all derive from Capsicum annuum, and have white, yellow, red or purple to black fruits. In 2016, the world’s production of raw green chili peppers amounted to 34.5 million tons, with China producing half.

    Capsicum fruits have been a part of human diets since about 7,500 BC, and are one of the oldest cultivated crops in the Americas,[7] as origins of cultivating chili peppers are traced to east-central Mexico some 6,000 years ago.They were one of the first self-pollinating crops cultivated in Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America.

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  • Dehydrated Bell Sweet Pepper Paprika Capsicum annuum in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Peppers have a sweet, mild flavor and are available in green, red, yellow and dark yellow. Peppers color up as they ripen on the vine and follow the mature green stage. The brighter colored peppers tend to be sweeter than green peppers because the sugar content increases as the pepper matures.
    Peppers are high in vitamin C and excellent sources of dietary fiber and provide small amounts of several other vitamins and minerals. Sweet peppers have thick flesh, are crunchy and juicy, and often eaten raw, sautéed, roasted or stuffed.
    Here’s a tip: Look at the bottom of the pepper and count the lobes. If it has four lobes it’s a female pepper, which produces more seeds and is sweeter than a male pepper, making it a good choice for crudités or chopping into salads. Male bell peppers have three lobes and are a good choice for roasting and making stuffed peppers

    The terms bell pepper (US, Canada, Philippines), pepper or sweet pepper (UK, Ireland), and capsicum (Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) are often used for any of the large bell-shaped peppers, regardless of their color. The fruit is simply referred to as a “pepper”, or additionally by color (“green pepper” or red, yellow, orange, purple, brown, black).[6] In the Midland region of the U.S., bell peppers when stuffed and pickled are sometimes called mangoes.

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  • Dehydrated Cabbage Brassica oleracea in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Our dried cabbage flakes are crunchy, have a pleasant flavor, and are full of benefits for the body. It is also Non-GMO, with no preservatives or additives. Our dried cabbage retains up to 90% of its ‘fresh’ nutritional value, and is a delightful addition to any recipe, for your stir fries, salador a snack option for an on-the-go man or woman or child.

    Our dried cabbage flakes are high quality, dried by reputable food manufacturers and packaged carefully by hand for optimum quality, care, and freshness.

    If you had to choose just one dried vegetable to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? May we recommend Dehydrated Cabbage? Now, put aside the fact that dried shredded cabbage smells incredible, cooks well, and is easy to store. Put aside the fact that all the preserved cabbage we sell is Non-GMO, free of chemicals and pesticides, and is very clean. The flavor of our premium air-dried cabbage is actually concentrated so all the quality is packed into those small flakes which explode with flavor. Bulk dried cabbage is a must for any kitchen!

    Our dried cabbage flakes are crunchy, have a pleasant flavor, and are full of benefits for the body. Grown and dried by USA based companies, it is also Non-GMO, with no preservatives or additives. Our dried cabbage retains up to 90% of its ‘fresh’ nutritional value, and is a delightful addition to any recipe, for your stir fries, salador a snack option for an on-the-go man or woman or child.

    Our dried cabbage flakes are high quality, dried by reputable food manufacturers around the USA. They are also kosher, and packaged carefully by hand for optimum quality, care, and freshness.

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  • Dehydrated Carrot Daucus carota in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Using dehydrated carrots in your cooking is convenient and easy! dehydrated carrots packed with vitamin A, carrots add color and sweetness to many dishes. You can add dehydrated carrots to stews and soups. They also work great for stir-frying with other vegetables. You can substitute dehydrated carrots for fresh vegetables in just about any dish, including casseroles, loafs, pizza toppings, omelets and breads.

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  • Dehydrated Leek Allium ampeloprasum in bulk packaging

    Sold By: exportica

    Leeks are widely known vegetables that have been used in local cuisine for hundreds of years. Their incredible properties make them a preferred ingredient for chefs and anybody trying to stick to a healthy diet. This superfood, in fact, contains high levels of flavonoids, vitamins A, E, and K, and fibers

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